
Business Tactics

What type of tactics will take your business to the top? There are plenty of lessons to be learned from sport, and there are seven strategies that you can apply to your business today. Simplify; play to your strengths; communicate; appreciate your team; co-ordinate your team; prioritise ...

The right tactics

What type of tactics will take your business to the top? There are plenty of lessons to be learned from sport, and there are seven strategies that you can apply to your business today. Simplify; play to your strengths; communicate; appreciate your team; co-ordinate your team; prioritise ...

Learn from winning and losing

Not everyone gets a ribbon in life. And that’s ok! It’s ok to lose a business deal or tender. In sport, as in life, there will be winners and losers. It’s what you take away from the experience of losing, that will propel you to win next time. One thing elite athletes learn from losing, is that ...


In rugby league, there’s no greater contest than State of Origin; New South Wales v Queensland; Blues v Maroon; mate vs mate. It’s a three game series that has taken on almost mythic proportions in Australian sport. Each year, the games seem to get tougher and the players push themselves to ...

Women in Sport and Business

Women’s sport has finally taken off in Australia, with more people than ever tuning in or turning up to watch women’s netball, soccer, rugby league, cricket and AFL. When it comes to equality, tennis has been at the forefront of pay parity in sport. Legendary US player Billie Jean King helped ...

The Spirit of the Game

What are the values at the heart of your organisation? What kind of culture are you promoting? In sport and in business, it’s people that are at the heart of everything you do. Your company’s values should be developed in collaboration with the board and team members and they should reflect ...


Diversity isn’t just a woke catchphrase, it’s something that’s vital to every business. Sport is something that brings people together from every walk of life and your business should not be any different. Your Board and Management Team should be a diverse group of people who bring different ...

Game Plans in Business

Everyone needs a game plan. On the field, off the field, in business and in life – what’s your plan and where are you going? Mapping out a strategy ensures your business’s resources are coordinated for maximum return. It also means you can be proactive, rather than reacting to situations ...


Business leaders and owners need to think like a coach. Recruit well, communicate with your team, overcome roadblocks and bring your game face. Lisa Alexander coached the Australian Diamonds netball team from 2011, to 2020. With Lisa at the helm the team won 83 out of 102 test matches, making ...

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Adam Carter | Carmalk Consulting Chief

M: 0400 761 700

W: (07) 3869 2573


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