Learn from winning and losing - Carmalk Consulting

Not everyone gets a ribbon in life. And that’s ok! It’s ok to lose a business deal or tender. In sport, as in life, there will be winners and losers.

It’s what you take away from the experience of losing, that will propel you to win next time.

One thing elite athletes learn from losing, is that there’s no point blaming others. Former Australian cricket captain Steve Smith said about negative press: “I read everything. You can learn a lot from those things and if I don’t agree with it, I use it as motivation to do better and change someone’s opinion.”

Even if an athlete wins, there’s still plenty to learn – where could that performance have been smoother, better, steadier.

Every day is a new chance to learn, grow and success. And true success, in life, business and on the sporting pitch, comes from learning from your mistakes and growing beyond them.


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