Rural Fire Brigades Association Queensland (RFBAQ) Grants Program - Carmalk Consulting

The Rural Fire Brigades Association Queensland (RFBAQ) Grants Program has been designed for the Queensland brigades and volunteers to provide funding for essential firefighting equipment, training, construction of fire stations and other essential items.


  1. The Applicant / Brigade must be a registered Volunteer / Rural Fire Brigade in the State of Queensland.
  2. The Applicant / Brigade lack the ability to raise funds due to small community numbers (low income from Levy), hardship or other similar circumstances.
  3. Applications are for the purpose of allocating grant funds to Brigades. Grant monies paid to Brigade’s are to be used for the purpose as stated in the approved application and are not to be used for any other purpose /  purchase. Failure to use these funds for the intended and applied purpose will result in the Applicant / Brigade having to repay said monies.
  4. Original applications are to be submitted, however for the purposes of expediting an application, photocopies, fax or email applications will be accepted as long as the original application is received in the post.
  5. If applicable, copies of bank statements must be submitted with the application.
  6. Grant funding will not be provided where alternative funding sources are available (i.e. funding of VHF
    repeaters, training of Brigade Training Officers, Rural Fire Service Queensland (RFSQ) provide the equipment free of charge etc).
  7. The Applicant / Brigade should provide a primary reason for the application including the benefits it will provide the volunteers and the Brigade community.
  8. The total requested grant funding amount should include GST.
  9. All applications must be signed by the Brigade’s 1st Officer and Secretary.
  10. The Association strongly recommends that Brigades are GST Registered. This will give the Brigades the ability to reduce the cost of their purchase and enable them to claim back the GST. This will ultimately reduce the total purchase price.
  11. Due to requirements by the Australian Tax Office, payments of grants must be made by the Association directly to the supplier of the goods sought in the grant. This will therefore require a quotation for the goods from the supplier if they are not provided by RFSQ.
  12. Brigades are limited to one successful application every 2 years.

Application for RFBAQ Grant Funding

For more information, head to the RFBAQ website.

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