Investing in Queensland Women Grants - Carmalk Consulting

The Queensland Government’s Investing in Queensland Women grant program provides one-off grants to organisations that qualify.

One-off funding of up to $15,000 (excluding GST) is available for initiatives with a duration of up to 6 months that align with the purpose of the Investing in Queensland Women grant program.

Applicants must be either:

  • an incorporated, not-for-profit, community sector organisation (note: a group or organisation is not-for-profit if its governing documents prohibit the distribution of profits to individual
  • members while the organisation is operating and upon its wind-up); or
  • a Queensland local government authority.

Applicants must also:

  • be based in Queensland
  • have no outstanding financial accountability, service delivery or performance issues for funding provided by the department
  • hold, or provide plans to obtain, insurance which includes cover for the period appropriate to the proposed initiative.

Initiatives must also meet all the following requirements:

  • be delivered during the grant round’s 6-month initiative delivery period
  • be delivered in Queensland
  • support the purpose of the grant program.

Initiatives that are supported

One-off grant funding is available to support initiatives that:

  • target people who identify as women and who may be more vulnerable or experience multiple levels of disadvantage, including
    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
    • people with a disability
    • LGBTIQ+ people
    • people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (including people on temporary visas)
    • people in rural, regional and remote communities
    • young people
    • older people
  • help achieve the objectives of either:
    • the Queensland Women’s Strategy 2016–21 and inspire and encourage the Queensland community to respect women, embrace gender equality and promote and protect the rights, interests and wellbeing of women and girls
    • the Third Action Plan of Queensland’s Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Strategy 2016-2026 to reduce domestic and family violence reoffending, including working with perpetrators and/or with victim–survivors; or
    • Prevent. Support. Believe. Queensland’s Framework to address Sexual Violence.

Funding Dates

  • Applications open: 1 July 2021
  • Applications close: 31 July 2021

An application may be for 1 of the 3 funding categories below:

  • Category 1—up to $5,000 for small initiatives, such as targeted campaigns or events (e.g. awareness-raising events, workshops or training for small groups, or development of resources such as posters)
  • Category 2—up to $10,000 for larger initiatives which will operate on a broader scale or are more sustainable (e.g. medium to large scale campaigns, development of resources such as videos, or a series of workshops or events)
  • Category 3—up to $15,000 for substantial initiatives which are undertaken jointly between 2 or more organisations or community groups, with favourable consideration given to applications where there is a matched contribution to the initiative from the initiative partners (e.g. government grant of $12,000 plus joint initiative partner(s) contribution of $12,000, making a total initiative cost of $24,000).

For more information about this grant, head to the Queensland Government website.

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