Do you stick your neck out currently? - Carmalk Consulting

Are you a tortoise?

There is often discussion of a tortoise & a hare when it comes to strategy or competing

They say you can’t win the game if you are running around like a hare or a headless chicken. If you act like a tortoise the whole time the competition will eliminate you under pressure. You need to take a balanced approach.

If you feel you are busy all the time you need to step back, pause & reflect

I would rather be a tortoise:

  1. Play the long game, persevere & be patient
  2. Be resilient, protect yourself & fend off your competitors
  3. When you are reliable & seem to genuinely care, you build trust
  4. Be curious, stick your neck out
  5. The hare chose the easy predictions & the tortoise outran the hare

At these times would you rather be a hare or a tortoise?

If not one of these animals what animal would you be during & at the other side of C19?

The victor in the race is not the one who dashes off swiftest but the one who leads at the finish. In the race for success, speed is less important than stamina. BC Forbes

Photo credit: Callum McGeorge, Hwange Zimbabwe

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